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World Wellness Weekend 2023

World Wellness Weekend 2023

The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority will join wellness lifestyle enthusiasts in Antigua and Barbuda to celebrate World Wellness Weekend. The weekend of September 15-17, 2023 Antigua and Barbuda will be buzzing with activities as they celebrate World Wellness Weekend for its 7th year.

Activities will be hosted by the 2023 Wellness Leader in Antigua and Barbuda of World Wellness Weekend Keisha Schahaff – a Health and Life Coach and Astronaut, and World Wellness Weekend Ambassadors Tricia Greenaway – Founder and CEO of Wellness Footprints Antigua, and Alejandro Leo – Wellness & Spa Professional and Sustainability Patron at Jumby Bay.

Activities will kick-off on September 15, with the general public invited to start their day at Darkwood Beach with an energizing tai chi session at 7 a.m., returning to the beach at 5 p.m. to enjoy the mesmerizing sunset and unwind with a stress-releasing yoga session.

The following day, September 16, a fast-paced socarobics session at the Martello Tower in Barbuda will get participants moving, while over in Antigua, mat pilates and Vinyasa Flow yoga classes at the Energie Gym in English Harbour from 8 a.m. will invigorate attendees.

The weekend will culminate on September 17, with an early morning hike starting at 5 a.m. from Galleon Beach, taking a moderate trail to The Blockhouse followed by yoga at the magical sunrise hour.

For more details on World Wellness Weekend in Antigua and Barbuda read: – Celebrate World Wellness Weekend in Antigua and Barbuda

The Five Pillars of Wellness

It is strongly believed by World Wellness Weekend that the 5 Pillars are like 5 fingers that can help people live longer, better and happier; which in turn will enhance Vitality, Serenity and the Community.

Sleep & Creativity

Nutrition & Immunity

Vitality & Movement

Serenity & Mindfulness

Purpose & Solidarity

Tricia Greenaway

World Wellness Weekend Ambassador – Antigua and Barbuda

Alejandro Leo

World Wellness Weekend Ambassador – Antigua and Barbuda